In nine years at my
organization, I’ve gone from an entry-level slot to an administrative position
with a wide array of responsibilities. My supervisor has been somewhat helpful,
but I have formed a stronger bond with her boss, the director of the department.
We have a standing weekly meeting (which he makes an effort to keep!), I’m
assigned to many of his pet projects, and get a lot of positive feedback about
my performance.
To me, this director is my
mentor in everything but name. But it seems
presumptuous to call him my mentor if he doesn’t see it that way. I’ve made a
few attempts to steer conversation toward my appreciation for the opportunities
he’s giving to me. I really want to acknowledge his support, but I don’t want
to come off as creepy or ingratiating.
I feel I need to address this soon. I’m finishing up a
graduate degree and outgrowing my current position. The director has hinted
that he wants to keep me around. But I don’t see how he’ll be able to create a
job with an appropriate salary. And actually, that’s fine! I feel prepared to
move on.
I just want to express my thanks now before it gets
wrapped into negotiations for a better salary or informing him I’m moving on.
What’s the best way?
In a memorable episode of “Seinfeld,” the feckless
George Costanza couldn’t seem to get
a handle on what exactly “a mentor” is. “The mentor advises the
protégé,” Jerry offered. “Is there any money involved?” a mystified George
wondered. “What’s in it for the mentor?” He can’t fathom the parameters of this
And really, who can blame him? “Find a mentor” is
career-advice boilerplate. Yet the precise characteristics and obligations that
attach to the idea are seldom defined, let alone formalized. So in your case,
I’d say someone you see as a mentor “in everything but name” is, in fact, a mentor.
There’s no reason for not frankly acknowledging his help — and asking for more
if you need it.
Not to draw too many life
lessons from notoriously self-centered sitcom characters, but the confusion
about the point of “a mentor” on “Seinfeld” may be instructive. In real life,
many people definitely overthink it, fretting about how to find and cultivate
the perfect mentor, lamenting potential mentors lost or worrying about mentors
who just seem insufficiently … mentor-ish. Maybe we’d be better off to leave
the word aside and simply focus on cultivating helpful professional
relationships with people whose views we value, a much more straightforward
In other words, if you’re
grateful for the opportunities, the feedback and the support, just say so. I
don’t see how that could seem creepy or obsequious. (I can, however, imagine
how, “Thanks for being my mentor!” may seem a little weird.) And I’d probably
leave it at that for now. Don’t muddy the waters by alluding to the various
possibilities about your future, whether it’s at this company or elsewhere.
Your open-minded perspective about that sounds right, so don’t try to game out
all the potential next steps.
Be sincere, and with luck this
person will be someone who stays in your professional orbit for years to come,
wherever you’re working — and whatever you want to call him.
How to Thank a
Recently, my boss purchased
for me a very pricey ticket to a conference. Our business was featured; I was
expected to organize a pre-event dinner and then oversee our showcase segment.
In general, I think my boss is
a jerk who has made my time here difficult. I have no warm fuzzies for
him. I do, however, want to do what is right. The conference provided an
excellent opportunity for me to network. What is appropriate? A simple
thank-you note, a small gift, both, or neither?
The Workologist receives much
correspondence on the subject of jerk bosses who make life difficult. But it is
rare that an inquiry goes on to acknowledge that, maybe just this once, the
jerk did a good thing.
Your instinct is right: Set
aside your general distaste for this individual and express gratitude for the
good and helpful thing he has done. A simple thank-you note should cover it.
That’s sincere and avoids the minefield of turning thanks into a transaction.
(And really, a gift risks over-thanking: You don’t want to accidentally
suggest that this person has suddenly become the most important figure in your
The best reason to follow
through has less to do with the boss than with you: You absolutely want to
cultivate the thoughtful judgment behind this gesture. We could all use a
reminder that even irritating colleagues can do great things, and when they do
we should say so.
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