viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

5 Steps Towards Finding Empowerment in Your Daily Routine

5 Steps To Finding Empowerment Through Your Daily Routine

“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”  – Stephen King

In many ways your daily rituals define who you are and where you are headed. For most people, some routines are rewarding while others prove to be cumbersome and extremely tedious.

So does this mean eliminate routines all together?

Not exactly.

Fortunately, there is a way to maintain self-discipline while still spicing up your daily rituals.

Instead of trudging through a monotonous workout plan or job assignment you can learn the art of fulfilling a task while still enjoying the process itself.

Part of the formula involves  incorporating adjustments towards your beliefs and habits so that you stick to your routine for the long haul.

1. Prioritize self care 
Many people forget that the path to success is a marathon, not a sprint.
Being ruthless about your “me” time can make a world of difference in your life. Not only does self-care improve how you execute your daily tasks but it also ensures that you have the longevity that is necessary to keep pushing.
Every single day carve out time to rejuvenate and do what you love.
When you shift your thoughts and begin to see self-care as a necessity instead of an indulgence, you will begin to develop a healthier outlook on the work you do.
Remember, there is nothing glamorous about burning out.

2. Learn to say no
Throughout the day people, advertisements and media bombard you with their own problems and agendas that ultimately send you down a rabbit hole of non-productivity.
If you notice distractions are leading you away from your routine, learn to turn them off immediately.  When it is possible, turn off your phone or the television and commit to cutting back on checking your emails.
Though it is important that you engage with others and be friendly, this does not mean that you owe them the right to keep you away from fulfilling important tasks.
When you teach others to respect your schedule they inherently learn to respect you, your time, and your energy even more.
This also shows them, as well as you, that you are committed to your routine.

3. Let go of perfection
Sorry to tell you but we all slip up sometimes.
You may have missed your morning yoga because you slept in a few minutes longer than you anticipated. Or maybe you were out running errands all day and ended up making dinner later than usual.
So what.
We beat ourselves up all the time for not staying on task and doing things exactly as originally planned.
Truth is, perfection is not only impossible but overrated.
Everyday brings about new challenges and unforeseen roadblocks so learn to embrace this as a part of life.
Try to see that every situation provides hidden lessons that you can learn from.

4. Toss the monotony and add more spirit! 
This involves finding ways to stick to the task at hand while still incorporating a sense of  novelty and excitement. Adding quirks and individual flare to the work that you do can make a world of difference and help you stick to your journey of self-improvement.
For instance, if you are a regular jogger try to do something offbeat like wearing homemade ankle weights or singing out loud to your favorite tune. These minor adjustments should not serve as distractions that veer you off course but instead break up the monotony of your routine.

5. Manage your energy, not your time. 
Start thinking less about time management and more about self-sustainability.
Learn to be self-aware and acknowledge when you do not have the energy to fulfill every task you may have on your list. This may mean that you need to prioritize your most important tasks for the day and postpone the rest for tomorrow.
If you notice that you are more of a “morning person”,  consider indulging in your most important tasks at the start of your day. This way you ensure that the difficult tasks are done at a time in which you are most aware, alert, and engaged.

Biography: Bolajoko is an energy healer always looking for new and exciting ways to reach her fullest potential. In her spare time she can be found writing erotica or making quirky adjustments to classic vegan recipes. She can be followed through her radical self-empowerment blog where she chronicles her passion for herbalism and spirituality.

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