Yet, you don’t always feel that way. You know what motivation feels
like, too. You have times when you can’t wait to get started on
something – a much-anticipated trip, a big project that you’ve been
looking forward to sinking your teeth into, a new course that you’re
taking, or a job which is going to be so satisfying when it’s done.
So how can you make sure that you are motivated, whatever the task at hand?
Psychologists distinguish between two forms of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic.
The effects of each might feel the same – excitement, being keen to
“get on with it” – but the two types of motivation arise from different
Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation comes from within.
It’s the sort of motivation that you get when you’re doing something
you enjoy; when the task itself is its own reward. Think of something
you love – perhaps computer games, playing the guitar, cooking, painting
… any activity you enjoy. You never procrastinate over it, do you? It
seems almost silly to ask that – of course you don’t, if anything, you put off other tasks in order to do the ones you enjoy!
One way to make your to-do list easier is to put as many tasks on it
as possible which are things you love. Sometimes they might be hard, or
you might feel a little resistance to getting started – but once you’re
doing them, you find them fun.
In some cases, that might mean rethinking your career choice or your lifestyle. If your life is made up of a whole string of unexciting or unpleasant tasks, how did you get into that situation? What can you do to change it?
When you’re engaged on something which makes you intrinsically motivated, you’ll find that:
- It’s fairly easy to maintain your concentration
- You’re keen to do well because the task deserves your best effort
- You’d do it whether or not you were paid or rewarded in any way
Intrinsic motivation can be a powerful force – but it can also be
subject to your moods; when you’re feeling cheerful and upbeat, you’re
more likely to enjoy what you’re working on than when you’re feeling
low. And for some tasks, there’s simply no way you’re going to enjoy
them. That’s where extrinsic motivation comes in.
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation comes from outside.
This is the motivation which gets you to plough on with something you
don’t like all that much … because you know there’ll be a reward at the
end. Think of a time in your life when you stuck with something in order
to reach a particular goal: maybe you studied hard in college not
because you loved studying, but because you wanted to get your degree.
Or perhaps you worked in a job that bored you because you needed the
paycheck. On a day to day level, you probably clean your house because
you want it to be a pleasant place to live – not because you really love
Sometimes, people think that extrinsic motivation is shallow or false – but it can be a very powerful force. Most difficult things become more bearable when you’ve got something to look forward to at the end.
With extrinsic motivation, you’ll find that:
- It might be hard to concentrate – you may be tempted to procrastinate
- You want to do the task to a high enough standard to get the reward or achieve the goal at the end, but you don’t care much about it being perfect or excellent.
- You’d be much more reluctant to do it if there was no reward
External motivation is easier to manufacture than intrinsic
motivation. If you have a string of tasks which need to be done, but
which don’t interest or excite you in any way, can you find extrinsic
motivation? That might mean:
- Promising yourself a reward at the end (e.g. a cookie, a new DVD, some “me time” to indulge)
- Focusing on the goal rather than on the process – the finished result
- Finding a way for the completed task to give you public acknowledgement or acclaim (easier said than done – taking a qualification would be one way, or joining an organization focused on that particular area)
What works for you? Are most of your activities intrinsically or extrinsically motivated – or is it a bit of both?
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